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Zimbawe Women's Bureau

For Economic and Social Development of Zimbabwean Women

Zimbabwe Women’s Bureau (ZWB) is a national membership non-governmental organization that was established in 1978. Since its inception, ZWB has developed and implemented programs aimed at promoting economic sustainability, household food security and sustainable livelihoods for its members and their families throughout Zimbabwe. Membership of ZWB stands at more than 25 000 most of are women.

Ms Ronika Mumbire

What we offer

1. Garment Making

2. Pottery Production

3. Vegetable Gardening

4. Knitting and Crocheting

5. Capacity Development

6. Advocacy and Lobbying

We are on a mission

to help the helpless

Zimbabwe Women’s Bureau (ZWB) is a national membership non-governmental organization that was established in 1978. Since its inception, ZWB has developed and implemented programs aimed at promoting economic sustainability, household food security and sustainable livelihoods for its members and their families throughout Zimbabwe.

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Please donate to our causes so that we can better support our clients.


We collect medical donations in times of disasters

Full Support

We fully support women and children suffering from the effects of HIV